The office environment is changing at such a rapid rate. Unlike in the past, when the office dress code was strictly formal, the increasing number of millennials coming into the picture is changing things around. The youthful workforce has made it almost a norm to have casual attire in the professional setting.
Even as these changes continue taking place, one cannot afford to ignore the need for a clearly defined guideline of what to wear and not wear to the office. How one dresses to work has a subconscious message to an individual’s professionalism. Keep reading to learn more about what to wear to office job.
What is an office dress code?
Your quest to understand what to wear to the office today requires that you first know about the whole concept of the office dress code.
The office dress code describes how formal one can be with the clothes that they wear to work. Some workplaces do not maintain a specific list of what employees can wear to work. Instead, they use a blanket guideline in the form of “business formal” or “business casual.” Learning about these categories can help you know what to wear to office 2022.
1: Business formal and business professional
Business formal is the highest level of any professional attire. That kind of outfit is often characterized by black workwear, mainly suits for both men and women, complemented with polished accessories.
The term business formal is closely linked to a business professional, but the two have some slight differences. A professional business outfit implies that the clothes can be slightly relaxed. For instance, in business formal, you have to do a suit. However, being a business professional means you can incorporate work-appropriate separates.
When working in an environment whose dress code is business professional, you can play safe by going with a formal business outfit. That means your options would be typically restricted to suits, ties, and dress shirts for men. Women have similar restrictions comprising pantyhose, skirt suits, pantsuits, and dress shirts.
2: Business casual
Business casual makes up an important part of what to wear to a casual office. Its exact definition may change from one firm to another. However, there are certain guidelines that you could follow to ensure appropriate dressing.
When considering what to wear to work casual, business casual will definitely be at the top of your list. It is more of a blend between traditional business wear and a relaxed, professional look.
Women have a variety of options when it comes to business casual outfits, including blouses, slacks, dark jeans, and sweaters.
Similarly, men can try out different options of business casual such as khakis, dark jeans without holes, loafers, polo shirts, and sports coats.
You may feel confused regarding what to wear to work casually. When getting started with this type of outfit, it is best to first learn more about the traditional side and adjust as you observe your environment.
Another important dressing bit that confuses most people has to do with what to wear to an office interview. In this case, you would be safe doing business formal because that is the generally accepted dress code in the business world.