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Top 10 Fashion hacks

Top 10 Fashion hacks


Fashion changes at such a rapid rate. While big brands are known for creating the latest trends, you can also work around something to remain unique with brilliant hacks. Learning about these fashion hacks 2022 can help you stand out in the crowd. Here is a quick look at fashion hacks and clothes DIY.

1: Avoid ironing by getting an anti-wrinkle

Ironing can be quite a pain for some people. Luckily, you can still be fashionable without putting the hours into ironing your clothes. Consider using anti-wrinkles such as hair straighteners to save yourself time. When abrupt wrinkles show on the front or collar of your shirt while traveling, a hair straightener can be a lifesaver.

2: Deal with smelly pits

Wearing an outfit that has yellowish or smelly armpits is a major downer on your style. Never put on such a shirt, or else you’ll have pull awkwardly staring at you. However, that does not mean you get rid of the shirt. Once washed, spray a little lemon juice in the affected area and wait for it to break down. Once done, wash with bleach and air dry in the sun to get rid of the coloration and foul smell.

3: Dye it

The essence of clothes and fashion hacks is to come up with a new way of doing things. For instance, you could change the color of your boring old socks by dyeing them.

4: Deal with smelly shoes

One of the most important fashion hacks and tricks is to ensure you do not have smelling shoes. No matter how much you try to hide, you will eventually get caught. Try different strategies for dealing with smelling shoes, such as putting them in the freezer, drying them in the hot sun, or coating them in baking soda before washing.

5: Bring new life to office shirts

Some of the most incredible fashion hacks and tips do not require rocket science. You can transform office shirts into tops that have a low ankle line and tie on the front. This ranks as a low-waste fashion, and you can customize it as desired.

6: Make accessories out of old t-shirts

What do you normally do with an old t-shirt? Throw it away? Well, you might want to think twice about that. A little bit of creativity, and you could be making accessories out of them! You can knit them into bracelets, headbands, and necklaces.

7: Improvised on the half you like

Some clothes may have one part looking great on you and the other not-so-good. The fashion tips and hacks to use in such a situation entail making the most of the parts you like. For instance, you can cut the top and bottom of two different outfits and stitch them. Alternatively, you could make a top or skirt from cut pieces.

8: Breathe life into old denim

Do not let your denim just fade away from the picture. Take several contrasting pieces of denim and see what your imagination inspires you to do. For instance, you could transform wide-legged jeans into a slimmer outfit.

9: Make a scrunchie

There are countless fashion hacks for ladies, and one of them involves repurposing vintage scarves into a scrunchie. You can learn how to do this online or on YouTube.

10: Make your sportswear wearable

Upcycling is a major thing now, but very few people may consider their gym clothing as part of beauty and fashion hacks. Simply changing the fit of your gym outfit can prove helpful in making them wearable.

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